Tuesday, July 28, 2009

party time

My friend Julie turned 18 last week! Of course we had a party. But not the typical party expected to be had by a bunch of teenagers. No alcohol, no silliness. It was nice and civilized. A lovely dinner followed by present time and a movie (Serendipity). A great night all up in my books.

Me and the birthday girl

Jules and Jordan
The lovely Catherine and JulieLockey and Bethanie.

The Girls.
Lockey is enthused by both the party itself and the pretty girl hanging off him.
Obviously.Due to a lack of chairs, this is how we watched the movie.
Kinda hurts your hip after a while.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

back to school

image: deviant art

My last ever term 3 of High School.
Suddenly I'm in a world of Uni applications, QCS, major assessments and lectures. It's all happening very fast, I kinda just want it to slow down for a second so I can think. Think about what I'm doing next year (hopefully I get the traineeship at the hospital), where I am going to uni in 2010 (narrowed it down to QUT, UQ and ACU), where I am going to live in 2010 (either at home, part time home and part time Brisbane, or Brisbane).
Too much to decide in too little time!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

last few days

Tuesday night I developed a bit of a snuffy nose and very achy legs. Didn't really think too much of it so just had a panadol and went to bed. Then proceeded to have the worst night's sleep of my life thanks to hot/cold flushes, ache spreading over entire body, head ache, extremely blocked nose and very sore chest combined with a cough that would not let me sleep. By 6am Wednesday I knew I was very sick.

I had some Codral in the morning but by 11 I feeling so gross that all I wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep the rest of the day. My mum and sister went out and when they came back and saw my condition decided it was best to take me to the doctor. I hate doctors so the fact that I was really willing to go must say something about how sick I was feeling.

Doctor asked me what was wrong. My exact response was "I feel like crap". After describing all my symptoms and discovering my temperature was now up to 39.9 degrees my doctor looks at me and says "I'm wondering if you have influenza. Of the swine variety." He's a funny man. Didn't help me feel any better though. Armed with a perscription for Tamiflu off I go for swabs. Yay.

Can I just say up til this point I was not worried about Swine Flu in the slightest. Ask anyone who knows me and is around me whenever I hear news reports about the H1N1 virus and they will tell you that I'm the girl who goes "Swine? Pffffft whatever, its not even a big deal" but when I heard that I might possibly have it I freaked out. Cried a little too as soon as I got out of the doctors. Mostly because I was worried if I did have it, could I have given it to my little niece or my youth pastor who is pregnant? Headed over to pathology for a throat and nose swab. Oh and the nose swab - yeah it hurts. About 3, maybe 3 1/2 inches shoved up your nostril kinda stings just in case you were wondering. Once that was done they gave me a nice little mask to wear home 'just in case'. Walking around with a mask on with everyone staring at you does not help you feel any better. No sir, makes you feel a little like a freak. I happen to have experience in this area now. So if you see a person walking around with red puffy eyes and a face mask on don't laugh or look at them weirdly, smile positively. That might help a little.

The waiting game. I was told I'd have my results by Friday. Mum rang three times and hey guess what no results. By this time I'm really sick of being house bound. Tamiflu is working a treat and I just want to go out. But no I'm not really allowed to just in case I contaminate the entire Sunshine Coast. Final call that Mum makes they tell me they wont have the results until next week. Good news is I am officially allowed out of the house without a mask on because apparently they've given up on trying to isolate it. So I got to see Harry Potter last night. Loved it by the way.

Anyway, doctor rang this morning. Results are in... negative for Swine!! I am very happy. Means I get to go to school next week and see all my friends!

In other news... my formal dress has arrived in Toowoomba and I'll get to pick it up in a few weeks. And I'm sending in my resume for a full time traineeship at the hospital next year. The week is looking up. Let's hope it stays on a high all weekend.

Love Alexie
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

blog this challenge

Bought something fabulous lately? Wanna share? Wanna brag? Blog some pictures, write a sonnet about it, tell the story about how you got it in the house without your husband noticing. What made you buy it? Have you been secretly coveting it for a while? Or are you an impulse shopper. And of course, now you have it, was it worth it??

Okay so due to the fact that I don't have a job (sorry but school takes priority right now) and only recieve $12 a week for pocket money, most things I buy are paid for with my mother's debit card. However, on Monday I splurged a little and bought a new movie! Yes, I am a movie fan. I love this movie. If you are a chick flick fan and havn't seen this I suggest you go and hire it or even buy it! It follows the romantic tales of William Hayes (Ryan Reynolds - another reason to watch it. He is quite good looking) as he recounts his loves and losses to his daughter. For more information on this lovely movie go to imdb.

Seriously, worth the watch. Oh oh and.... I got it on sale for $13. Yay!
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bunya Mountains

Day 1
Was awoken at 6am by my father. Lovingly told him to 'get lost' before being equally lovingly reminded to 'up and at em' as we needed to 'get this show on the road'. Rolled out of bed onto my sister who has been sleeping on my floor due to my Oma currently occupying her room. Finished packing, ate breakfast and hopped in the car.
Looooong car drive interspersed with chronic coccyx pains, sweet tunes from my iRiver and feeling woozy from the windy roads. Finally arrived at Bunya Mountains. Checked in. Drove up the driveway of Pademelon Lodge and was greeted by lots (when I say lots I mean up to 17 being visable at any one time without even moving your head) of Pademelons. Like this little guy:
Explored the house (which was really really cute), claimed and made my bed before heading downstairs to relax in front of the fire. Took a walk to the general store and Cafe where we had coffee before going back home. Ate dinner. Attempted to watch NCIS but reception sucked so I went to bed.

Day Two
Was awoken early morning by my niece. Oh well she's cute. Got ready for the day, ate breakfast. Family decided it would be fun to go on a bush walk.

Pete carried Mayana on his front. She was adorable. She fell asleep by resting her head on her
shoulder and remained that way for a good 45 minutes. Wished I was a baby and could sleep instead of walking. Dodged the Pademelon poop and finally arrived at the beginning of the bush track.

Had fun being Zoey's walking buddy. Got sick of walking. Started cramping. Got pushed up hills by Pete. Laughed very hard at my brother risking his life to help Mum across a beam:
Got sick of walking again. Rested. Walked. Rested. Walked. Etc. Finally reached the end of the track. Resolved never to go on a walk labelled 'short' by my father ever again. Relaxed at home. Ate scrummy dinner consisting of: dips, crackers, a selection of cheeses, cold meats, sundried tomatoes, Turkish bread, olives. Watched Closing the Ring. Went to bed.

Day Three
Was awoken early by niece again. Oh well she's cute. Family decided to go on a day trip to wineries and Kingaroy. Off we go. In the car with Mayana. Looked after Mayana while the over 18's sampled a selection of wines from a selection of wineries. Got to Kingaroy. Looked in Information Centre, museum and Art Gallery. Discovered something that makes Mayana very happy:
Basically, you grab her hands and make her hit Jordan in the face while he jumps back and makes grunting/ouch! noises. She laughs and laughs. Couldn't help myself. Made them pose for this photo.

Now everytime she starts to get a bit upset we pull out this trick and she is extemely happy again. Oh how I love my little niece.

Went out for a lovely lunch at RimFire Winery. Yummy yummy yummy.

Went to Lavender Farm.

Was really cute sort of French Country style with a nice view. And very expensive country styled things to buy. Therefore didn't buy anything. Walked around with Zoey. Took pictures of flowers. Took pictures of furniture that I will one day buy.
Went home.

Found a really pretty view. Dragged Zoey, Mum and Mayana over to it to take some nice pictures.

Ate dinner very similar to Day Two. Played Scattegories with the family. Has to be one of the best games of all time. Went to bed.

Day Four
Was awoken early by my niece. Nothing new here. I'm used to it. Packed up all my stuff before heading downstairs to eat a very nice breakfast of bacon, sausages, eggs, hash browns, tomatoes and musherooms (for those that actually eat them). Helped Oma with the kitchen. Packed up the rest of the house. Checked out. On the road again. Stopped at another winery. Arrived at Toowoomba. Went shopping. Brought 3 new bra's and new PJs. Went to Zaraffa's. Had a White Chocolate Fusion. Went out to dinner at the City Golf Club. Had fettucine with roasted lamb, sundried tomatoes, garlic, basil and parmesan. And Lemon Meringue for dessert. Felt sufficiently full afterwards. Went back to Zoey's. Watched tv. Went to sleep. Slept pretty poorly due to a combination of my snoring brother and teething niece. She's cute and can get away with it. He's not so cute therefore he gets kicked and told politely to 'shut up'.

Day Five
Woke up. Watched Hannah Montana and H20 - Just Add Water. Packed up my stuff for the last time. Said goodbye to the Friend's. Gave Oma a big hug as I wont see her til November. Got in the car. Stopped at Kilcoy. Ate one of the best pies of all time. Got home.

End of Holiday. Back to the real world.
Monday, July 6, 2009

Family Holiday

I really love hanging out with my family so I'm pretty excited for this week's adventure. We are off to the Bunya Mountains which, according to bunyamountains.com, is "a mountain paradise, peacefully nestled adjacent to 11,700ha of subtropical rainforest National Park".

Pademelon Lodge - the place we're staying

Pretty sure there isnt actually all that much to do there, maybe a few national park walks or something. But I'm pretty content to just hang out with the family, read a good book in front of the fire place (yes!) and eat all the yummy food we are taking.

Will update with pictures and all the details when I get back.

Love Alexie.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

First post / blog this challenge

So what better way to start off my blog than to complete this weeks blog this challenge:

Tell us fifteen facinating, far fetched, frightening, funny or frivilous facts about yourself. Those bits of trivia that are floating around in your life.
1. I have seven wisdom teeth. Don't ask me how this works I was just told by my dentist that I'm a freak. Yep, he used those exact words.
2. I hardly ever bruise. I have to be hit really really hard for any colour to appear on my skin at all.
3. While my hair looks like I regularly bleach it, it has never been dyed. The colour of my hair is exactly the same as the the day I was born. I pride myself on that fact.
4. I have 27 first cousins.
5. I graduate from high school in exactly 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days!
6. I have lost about 14 kg since I got my braces. Where it all came from I have no idea.
7. I love Starbucks. So much.
8. I have seen every episode of Gilmore Girls.
9. I am slightly obsessed with cows. I love everything about them: their look, their taste etc. In fact, I own a fair bit of cow paraphernalia.
10. I don't eat chicken.
11.I talk to my pet fish. Every morning and night. I think they like it.
12. I have never broken a bone.
13. I rub my feet together when I'm going to sleep. My sister says it's really annoying because apparently it rustles my sheets.
14. I've planned my whole wedding and I've never even had a boyfriend.
15. I make up chords on the guitar when I write songs. It bugs my music teacher because he has to figure out what they are.

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